Volunteer in Our School

Are you interested in being more involved in the Colchester schools? Volunteering is a great way to show students that you are interested in their education as a parent and/or an active community member. There are countless ways you can help:
  • be a classroom helper
  • mentor students
  • help with fundraising activities
  • help to plan and/or chaperone field trips or sporting events
  • and much more...

Volunteering is not only a tremendous resource to the school, but also demonstrates to students the importance of participating in the local community. A completed Volunteer Registration Form must be sent to the school in which you are interested in volunteering.

All volunteers for the Colchester School District must annually complete the Volunteer Registration Form.

Please submit at least ten days in advance of volunteering activity.

*For overnight trips, contact HR directly for fingerprint info.

Contact Us

Human Resources
Colchester School District
59 Rathe Rd., PO Box 27
Colchester, VT 05446

Telephone: 802.264.5999
E-mail Address: hr@colchestersd.org