Porters Point School utilizes Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in order to support student behaviors at the universal level. Students are positively recognized for meeting our school expectations: be safe, be respectful, and be ready to learn. Responsive Classroom techniques are also used to support behavior management. Currently, Porters Point is working on implementing a Tier II Targeted supports. One intervention we are utilizing is known as Check In, Check Out (CICO). CICO targets specific students and behaviors that have been identified through our school’s data. This intervention is for students who demonstrate attention seeking behaviors. It provides students with the opportunity for positive adult interactions and the morning check in portion of the plan allows an adult to gauge student’s readiness as they come into the school day, in order to make a proactive plan for them.
Some students need individualized behavior supports beyond what is provided in our PBIS universal and Tier II levels. Our school has a full time behavior specialist to consult with classroom teachers, support staff, and special educators to design and implement individualized behavior plans as needed. All support staff are trained in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention techniques.