Buildings and Grounds

Welcome to the Colchester School District Buildings & Grounds Department! Please click on any section heading below to view additional information.

NOTE: To request the use of Colchester School District facilities, please click the Public Use of School Facilities section below.

Asbestos-Containing Building Materials (ACBM)

In compliance with the U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), in the Spring of 1987 we performed inspections of each of our school buildings for asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM). The inspection findings and asbestos management plans are on file in each applicable school office and a complete set in the office of buildings and grounds.

Everyone is welcome to view these any time during the normal school hours. The Asbestos Program Manager, Rick Johnson, is available to answer any questions you have about asbestos in our buildings at (802) 264-5975.

Consistent with our Strategic Plan, the Colchester School Board encourages community groups to use school facilities for educational, civic, cultural, or recreational purposes. The Colchester School District is not able to subsidize clubs or groups and therefore must charge, as near as possible, the actual cost for use of the school facilities. For more information on using school district facilities, please take a look at our Facility Usage and Rental Policy (PDF).

Steps to Follow to Use School Facilities:

  1. Contact the appropriate school to make your reservation:
    • Colchester High School at 264-5700
    • Colchester Middle School at 264-5800
    • Malletts Bay School at 264-5900
    • Porters Point School at 264-5920
    • Union Memorial School at 264-5959
  2. Complete a Building and Grounds Use Application. This form is available in every Colchester school and can be printed from this web site by selecting one of the links below:
  3. Application to use Colchester High School     Application to use all other Colchester schools
  4. Submit your completed application to the appropriate school for approval by the Building Administrator. Upon approval, a copy of your application will be returned to you by the district's administrative office. Fees will be stated in Section III, Terms and Conditions. All current fees are outlined in our Building and Grounds Use Policy.
  5. If security or police coverage is required, you must make such arrangements and you will be responsible for this expense. You must inform the Colchester Police Department (264-5556), the Principal of the building/facility being used, and the school district's Maintenance Foreman (264-5975) of the details of the security arrangement.
  6. Payment in advance is expected and due when the event is scheduled. If the activity is cancelled, you must notify the school where the event is scheduled.
    • If the activity is cancelled at least 72 hours in advance of the scheduled building/facility use, you will receive a full refund of your payment less any related expenses incurred by the school district.
    • If the activity is cancelled with less than 72 hours remaining before the scheduled building/facility use, you will receive a half refund of your payment less any related expenses incurred by the school district.

In compliance with Vermont law, all buildings and grounds owned, operated, or rented by the Colchester School District will be smoke free. This ban extends to any student, employee or visitor to the school district, and applies at all times, whether or not school is in session.

The Colchester School District's Smoking in School Buildings and/or Grounds Policy defines procedural regulations including: policy enforcement and disciplinary action; methods for communicating the policy to employees, students, and the public at large; and the need to educate students on the importance of being "smoke free". This policy is available for viewing during normal school hours in each school building and in the district's administrative offices. You can also view the policy on this web site by selecting this link: Smoking in School Building and/or Grounds Policy (PDF)

Contact Us

Charles Rowse
Charles Rowse
Maintenance Foreman

Phone: 802.355.9558

Edward Thibault, Maintenance
Kyle Latterell, Maintenance
Lucas Calcagni, Maintenance
Michael Graves, Maintenance
Michael Holbrook, Maintenance
Colchester School District staff members can submit Maintenance Order Orders using the button below:

Submit a Work Order