FY 2026 Budget

Click the desired section below to view detailed FY 2026 budget information.

All of the documents listed below are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

  1. General Information
    1. Executive Summary
    2. Budget Timeline/Flowchart
      1. Budget Development Process
      2. Budget Timeline
    3. Funding Mechanism/Tax Components
    4. Announced/Allowable Tuition
    5. 2025-2026 Tax Rate Forecast
  2. Revenue
    1. Revenue Spreadsheet
    2. Graph of Revenue Sources
  3. Property Taxes
    1. Homestead and Non-Residential Tax Rate Calculation
    2. Tax Rate Calculation – 4 Year Comparison
    3. Tax Increase per Assessed Property Values
    4. Tax/Income Sensitivity
    5. FY'25 Educational Spending per Pupil Comparison (Graph)
  4. Expenditures
    1. Core Budget Assumptions
    2. Expenses by Function - Summary
    3. Expense by Account – Summary
    4. Graph of Expenses
    5. School Operating Budget
    6. Listing of Staff by Site, Assignment, and FTE
  5. Budget Presentations
    1. TBD
    2. TBD
    3. TBD
    4. TBD
  6. District Operations
    1. Maintenance Projects and Priorities
    2. Information Technology
    3. Food Service Program
  7. Transportation
    1. Mountain Transit Contract
    2. Breakdown of FY'25 Planned Expenditures
  8. Debt Service
    1. Details of Debt Obligations with Supporting Amortization Schedules
  9. Budget Vote
    1. Warning
    2. CSD Voting Record
    3. Current Year Voting Results